Landowner Education
The ASYCC provides educational services on a daily basis during the summer season. Each year the ASYCC/ECC hosts an annual project tour, a landowner workshop, and other opportunities for landowners to view and learn about protecting their properties.
One way to start the education process is to contact us for a FREE technical visit and site report.
In addition, each year the ASYCC, Maine Department of Environmental Protection, Lakes Environmental Association, and many other local, government, and community organizations conduct surveys, write reports and newsletters, or document information about the Mousam Lake-Square Pond Watershed.
As part of the ASYCC's mission statement, the ASYCC provides an opportunity for the residents and community to find these documents in one easy to access location. Our online library, will be continually updated with recent and archived reports, newsletters, and events.
Maine DEP and Portland Water District have compiled several informational fact sheets for landowners. Click the links below to download these fact sheets: