Acton - Shapleigh Youth Conservation Corps

Help protect your waterways, always check your boats, trailer, line, and tackle for plant fragments.

Local Vendors

The ASYCC Erosion Control Crew uses local vendors to complete all Erosion Control Crew projects. Below is the list of vendors the Erosion Control Crew uses to supply materials to their projects.

Local Nurseries
Springvale Nursuries      Springvale Nursery
      1280 Main Street
      Sanford, ME 04073
      (207) 490-5543

Mason Vendor (Stone Pavers and Stone Wall Material)
Genest Concrete      Genest Concrete
      36 Wilson St.
      Sanford, ME 04073
      (207) 324-3250

Mulch Vendor
J.A. Simpsons, Inc.      J.A. Simpsons, Inc.
      281 Jagger Mill Road
      Sanford, ME 04073
      (207) 234-5412

Local Hardware Store
Springvale Hardware Store      Springvale Hardware Store
      489 Main Street
      Springvale, ME 04083
      (207) 324-2474